Sing with TTS

If you wish to audition to sing with TTS, please send the following information by email to:

Contact Phone: (mention if there’s a best time to call)
Good level of sight reading:
Relevant Musical Experience and Qualifications:
What made you decide to apply?

Good luck!

TTS Choral Ambassadors

Bursaries to sing under Eamonn Dougan.

The Thomas Tallis Society is a chamber choir of around 45 voices based at St Alfege Church, Greenwich, SE London, where Tallis is buried. We have a long tradition of excellence in local music making, our repertoire spans the entire range from pre-Tallis to contemporary and the present Director is Eamonn Dougan (Associate Conductor of The Sixteen, Director of Britten Sinfonia Voices and a well-known singer and teacher). Prior to Eamonn, Jamie Burton (Schola Cantorum Oxford and now Boston Symphony Chorus) conducted a number of concerts.

TTS has been established as part of the Greenwich scene since 1965 and has a loyal audience following for its performances in the historic St Alfege church. We give four or five concerts each year, including a headline concert in the annual International Early Music Festival (this year’s guest conductor was to have been Robert Hollingworth).  Performances are based on four or five concentrated rehearsals, so all members are good sight readers. For orchestral concerts we use the highest standard of players, such as the Orchestra of the Sixteen. Where appropriate we use leading soloists, often colleagues of Eamonn, but as far as possible we like to allocate solo parts to our Choral Ambassadors.

Our Choral Ambassadors Scheme was launched at TTS’s 50th anniversary in 2015 with the idea of bringing new singers into the choir but also providing opportunities for young singers. Currently we aim to have eight Ambassadors with a 50/50 balance between postgraduate singing students and singers who have recently left university with considerable experience, but who do not intend to make a career out of singing. Our hope is that the latter group might be sufficiently inspired to remain members of TTS after their year as an Ambassador, and also that they will act as advocates for TTS amongst their friends and peers, who might also be interested in TTS.

What can TTS offer? Well apart from a diverse repertoire and high standard of performance, there is a thriving social element, and, especially for those living in SE London, the convenience of rehearsing and performing locally in a superb acoustic, sympathetic building and generally a full audience. Above all however, is the opportunity to work with Eamonn Dougan who is a real inspiration. Each rehearsal is a singing lesson as well as the opportunity to learn from Eamonn’s experience in singing with and directing ensembles around the world.

In terms of repertoire, you will get a good idea from this website, but it’s everything from renaissance polyphony and the great baroque masterworks through to contemporary and music we commission ourselves, for example, most recently from Roddy Williams.

We are inviting interested singers leaving university this summer to register their interest in becoming TTS Choral Ambassadors with the hope that we will be able to hold auditions in the autumn. The bursaries will be worth up to £600 per Ambassador.

To register interest please send a brief musical CV to